Take a guess

I got some great gifts for my birthday. I think it’s pretty obvious as to what I’ve been up to lately. I got some other great gifts, including the lens that I used to take this photo (which isn’t doing it justice, but a few previous macro shots posted on here started to) that my mom gave me.

I’m pretty lucky.

By |August 31st, 2010|Family, Photo|2 Comments

Great Birthday

This weekend was great. I had some great food, I got to see my grandma and grandpa, and I got a great long run in.

Today, my actual birthday, was great even if I had to work. It was a beautiful day out and I got to have dinner with my parents, grandma, and my uncle and aunt.  I’m pretty stuffed full of food and cake right now though.

By |August 30th, 2010|Family, Running|Comments Off on Great Birthday

Left Behind

This isn’t about the idiotic snuff book series about the collective christian dream about armageddon, so don’t get your hopes up.

It looks like a cricket left something behind on my bell pepper plant. I guess I’ve never seen this sorta thing, and it’s pretty interesting that it was left upside down.

Anyhow, work’s going well for me and Sara started her new job this week.

It’s my birthday this coming Tuesday. This weekend I am planning on going to Tasty China,an authentic Sichuan Chinese restaurant here in Marietta. I’ve seen it referred to as the best Chinese restaurant in the Atlanta area, so hopefully that’s close to being true. I’m pretty excited to try something authentic and hot.

By |August 26th, 2010|Photo|1 Comment

Cha cha cha changes

It’s not here yet, but Fall is definitely on the way. It’s been in the high sixties in the mornings this week, and I’ve really enjoyed running in those temperatures. I really hope we have a long fall this year. Last year’s seemed so short.

I found this leaf today, and though it might look like I’ve gone a little crazy with adjusting the colors, I really haven’t. It’s surprisingly bright.

By |August 25th, 2010|Photo|Comments Off on Cha cha cha changes

Running more

I’ve been running a good bit lately, and I’ve really been enjoying it. While there is a huge difference between my life and job in Greenville, and I am much happier now, I still need to burn off some frustrations. I’m also starting to realize how much of an effect that playing soccer all through my formative years has had on me. I don’t play anymore, but I can still compete and be athletic with running. It’s so weird to not have soccer in my life. I had a few years when I really didn’t mind not playing, but now it’s like every other day that I wish I were playing. I miss so much of soccer, and not just the matches (to be honest, I barely remember any of them anyhow thanks to my godawful memory), but for so many aspects. But running has really filled the gap that competitive soccer hasn’t.

Anyhow, I’ve been training for a marathon, and I’ve just recently signed up for the Asheville half marathon on September 18 thanks to some help from Scott. I know I’m ready for it at this point, but I really want to beat my time from the Atlanta half marathon in 2007. It’s funny to think that I ran that along with Sara Nichols and Matt Schultz. I haven’t seen them in years, and it’s really underlining the fact that time really seems to be speeding up.

I’m not old and don’t think that I’m close to being old. But I do feel like things are slightly speeding by me more and more. I certainly don’t feel like I’m going to be 28 in a week.

Anyhow, I ran ten miles on Sunday. I’ve done more previously, and in some odd circumstances (such as with a broken hand and near blackout drunk on Halloween one year), but this felt a lot better than any previous long run. I wasn’t struggling (or dry heaving) and I felt strong at the finish, like I could have gone a lot farther.

Oh, so the photo. I found this about to fall down a drain while on one of my early morning runs.

By |August 24th, 2010|Found On My Run, Photo, Running|4 Comments

That Time Of Year

School started here last week. Summer’s on it’s way out.

By |August 11th, 2010|Photo|1 Comment


I have too much going on. Thankfully I’m taking a long weekend and going to the beach.

By |August 10th, 2010|Photo, Travel, Work|Comments Off on Busy

No Bacon For Old People

In the few days I cooked bacon twice. I don’t usually eat bacon.

Last night I ran by the grocery store to grab a few items (can’t get to the weekend without having some beer in the fridge) and I had to get in line behind this kid that was buying a few items. I noticed that he had ipod earbuds in his ears. I got what some might describe as irrationally mad. At what point in this kid’s life did the kid decide that he couldn’t possibly go 15 minutes in public without having some shitty music blaring in his soon to be deaf ears? Honestly, I’m turning 28 this month and I’m starting to feel more and more like I’m actually getting older, and a lot of that has to do with an internal debate between letting things like this go and raging at the moronic nature of peoples’ habits.

I know in college, and somewhat in high school (though at that point in my life I was basically just an insufferable prick) I had been thought of as the funny angry guy that hates nearly everything. Like some cheap version of Louis Black. In the last few years I really have tried to tone it down, because who really wants to be around someone that hates everything all the time? But what I feel like that is doing is making me into someone who just lets out his anger in a way that really isn’t even funny. I feel like I sound bitter and hateful.

Now, I’m only turning 28. Not even 30. I’m not old, and it’s cool.

I want to run my age in miles this year.

By |August 5th, 2010|Photo, Travel|Comments Off on No Bacon For Old People